
Pozycja sędziego w projekcie konstytucji PiS w perspektywie sztrasburskiej

ETPC| Komisja Wenecka| Konstytucja| nieusuwalność| niezawisłość sędziowska| Prawo i Sprawiedliwość| Prezydent RP| rekomendacja KRS

włącz czytnik

11 Ibid, przypis 9, §17.

12 CDL-AD(2010)004, Report on the Independence of the Judicial System Part I: The Independence of Judges, §38.

13 CDL-AD(2003)019, Opinion on three Draft Laws proposing Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, §39.

14 CDL-AD(2005)003, Joint opinion on a proposal for a constitutional law on the changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia by Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR, §105

15 Konwencja o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności z 4.11.1950 r., Dz.U. z 1993 r. Nr 61, poz. 284 ze zm.

16 CDL-AD(2002)32, Opinion on the Amendments to the Constitution of Liechtenstein proposed by the Princely House of Liechtenstein, §31.

17 Ibid., przypis 4, §§40-43.

18 CDL-AD(2002)033, Opinion on the draft amendments to the Constitution of Kyrgyzstan, §10.

19 CDL-AD(2010)003, Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on the Judicial System and the Status of Judges of Ukraine by the Venice Commission and the Directorate of Co-operation within the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe, §§39,46-47.

20 Ibid., przypis 12, §62.

21 CDL-AD(2008)039, Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Constitutional Law on the Status of Judges of Kyrgyzstan, §45.

22 CDL-AD(2005)005, Opinion on Draft Constitutional Amendments Relating to the Reform of the Judiciary in Georgia, §§6-7.

23 Wyrok ETPCz z 15 października 2009 r. w sprawie Micallef przeciwko Malta (skarga nr 17056/06, §§ 93-99.

24 Ibid, przypis 12, §51.

25 CDL-AD(2011)012, Joint Opinion on the constitutional law on the judicial system and status of judges of Kazakhstan by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR, §52.

26 CDL(1995)074rev, Opinion on the Albanian law on the organisation of the judiciary (chapter VI of the Transitional Constitution of Albania), p.3

27 CDL-AD(2010)038, Amicus Curiae brief for the Constitutional court of “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” on Amendments to several laws relating to the system of salaries and remunerations of elected and appointed officials, §§16-20.

28 CDL-AD(2011)010, Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Constitution of Montenegro; Draft Amendments to the Law on Courts, the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office and the Law on the Judicial Council of Montenegro, §34.

29 Memorandum: Reform of the Judicial System in Bulgaria, CDL-AD(2003)012, §15.


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