
Raport Komitetu Praw Człowieka ONZ o stanie praw człowieka i politycznych w Polsce (ang.)

Komitet Praw Człowieka ONZ| Trybunał Konstytucyjny

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10.The State party should review its legislation on counter-terrorism in order to bring it into line with its obligations under the Covenant. It should, inter alia:

(a)Ensure that the Penal Code not only defines terrorist crimes in terms of purpose, but also narrowly defines the nature of those acts; and

(b)Provide a precise definition of “terrorist incidents” that does not give authorities excessive discretion or obstruct the exercise of the rights under the Covenant.

11.The Committee reiterates its concern about the lack of information on the investigations and the length of proceedings regarding the reported rendition and detention program and the acts of torture and ill treatment committed in and enabled by the State party between 2003 and 2005 in Stare Kiejkuty. (arts. 2, 6 and 7)

12.The State party should ensure that all investigations and proceedings on the involvement of Polish officials in secret detentions, torture and renditions are carried out thoroughly, independently and within a reasonable period of time; that those found responsible are held accountable and that the investigations and any subsequent proceedings are made public.


13.The Committee remains concerned that the Act on Equal Treatment does not afford protection against discrimination in all areas on all the grounds prohibited under the Covenant, including sexual orientation, disability, religion, age, and political opinion. The Committee is also concerned that claiming and obtaining compensation for acts of discrimination in court is difficult in practice. (arts. 2, 3 and 26)

14.The State party should further amend the Act on Equal Treatment to prohibit discrimination comprehensively on all grounds prohibited under article 2 and 26 of the Covenant, and in all spheres and sectors, including education, health care, social protection and housing. It should also improve accessibility of effective remedies against any such form of discrimination.


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